Indication: Relieves gas and reduces abdominal distension, Increases Appetite, Very useful in dyspepsia, reduces abdominal discomfort.
Key Ingredients: Elaichi Extract (Elletoria Cardimoum), Khurasani Ajmain Extract (Hyoscyamus Niger)
Elaichi Extract (Elletoria Cardimoum): The queen of spices cardamom or elaichi is known for its rich aroma and flavour. It has impressive medicinal properties for which it has been used in traditional medicine for ages. It helps in alleviating gastrointestinal problems such as acidity, flatulence, indigestion, and stomach aches. It is a good digestive stimulant and carminative.
Khurasani Ajmain Extract (Hyoscyamus Niger): Hyoscyamus Niger is herb has so many therapeutic properties antispasmodic, astringent, carminative etc. and all these properties have made it useful in so many conditions of the body. It is useful to destroy parasitic worms. The herb can provide relief from gas in the alimentary tract (colic or flatulence or griping).